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Gorky RisesGorky Rises

Full-color pictures by the author
32 pages - Ages 3-8
LC 80-68068
Sunburst Paperback - $4.95
ISBN: 0-374-42784-4

"Orbiting Steig's world with Gorky is an experience I recommend to everyone." --The New Yorker

"The language is intoxicating and the illustrations are a feast." --The New York Times

"Steig has created a story and painting of incomparable color, action, imagination, and humor." --Publishers Weekly

"One summer morning when his parents aren't about, frog Gorky sets up a laboratory in the kitchen and concocts a potion . . . His wondrous flight is described in language that bubbles with magical phrases, and the illustrations bloom with Steig's luminous art."
--*Starred/School Library Journal

New York Times Book Review
Best Illustrated Book of  the Year
New York Times Book Review Notable Children's Book of the Year
New York Times Outstanding Book of the Year


School Library Journal - *starred review
One summer morning when his parents aren't about, frog Gorky sets up a laboratory in the kitchen and concocts a potion.  His preparations are a curious blend of science, sensuality and magic as he carefully measures his ingredients, then "ravished by the scent of roses," dumps in half a bottle of perfume.  He stretches out on the grass and his "slumbering body [rises] in the air."  His wondrous flight is described in language  that bubbles with magical phrases and the illustrations, particularly those of Gorky "suspended in the heavens like a coat on a hanger," bloom with Steig's luminous art.  Underlying the story is absurd humor; Gorky has created something he cannot control.  He rises heavenward as in a common childhood fantasy, his progress drawing the eyes of the toilers, the players, the schemers, the hunters and the hunted, their wonder sustaining his flight.

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